

At Home

On the day of surgery, you would come fasting (don’t eat or drink 6 hours before surgery) at Dr Kalia’s Cosmetic Surgery Clinic.

Please bring your lab test reports along with you.

At Dr Kalia’s Cosmetic Surgery Clinic

You would meet Dr Deepak Kalia , goal of surgery along with each and every apprehension of you regarding surgery would be cleared by him.

You have to sign Consent form and other documents before surgery.

Most of liposuction surgery is done in the morning (because we do surgery on the day care basis and you would be discharged in the afternoon or evening hours, because of the benefits of Lysonix 3000 we can discharge the Patient same day) so

You would be admitted in the morning, surgery would be done in morning hours and you would be discharged in the afternoon hours.

At Operation Theatre

You would be brought to Operation Theatre, where our Anaesthetist would meet you and would ask you some question regarding your medical history again and discuss the type of anaesthesia you will be given and would answer any question, you may have.

Surgery is performed under epidural anesthesia (for tummy, Buttocks and thighs) which is totally painless procedure and for surgery of double chin, arm, bra line and back is done under General Anesthesia.It would take maximum two hours to perform the surgery. During your surgery, your vitals will be monitored and aneastestist team would make sure that you are comfortable during the procedure.

In Liposuction procedure only 4 mm cut is made to insert the cannula to liquefy and suck out the fat. We leave the cannula site open so that even after surgery liquefied fat and fluid can come out through them. At the end of surgery you would have elastic bandaged applied over the area of liposuction.

After surgery

After surgery is completed, surgical team headed by Dr Kalia will bring you to your room. The Recovery of you depends upon the area of liposuction and the type of anaesthesia given along with your own body response. During your recovery period, you will be receiving fluids through your IV Line, until you can take fluids by the mouth. The nursing staff will be monitoring your heart rate, blood pressure and breathing along with making you as comfortable as possible. When you are fully awake and your heart rate, blood pressure and breathing have returned to normal nursing staff will start to prepare you for discharge.

Post surgery, you would require pressure garments for the area of liposuction which are customized. So after surgery, Pressure garment representative would come and take your measurements and make pressure garments ready on third day.

Going Home
  • An adult driver should drive you home
  • Your recovery period continues at home. Once at home, you may still be drowsy and may still have the discomfort.
  • You would get verbal instructions from Dr kalia and Anaesthetist after your surgery. We will be giving you written post op instructions in an folder labelled “Discharge Instructions. Please follow these instructions carefully.
  • Any questions related to discharge instructions can be clarified by calling At clinic phone or on Dr Deepak Kalia personal phone.
  • You need to rest, your body needs to rest to heal
  • You should not drink alcohol, drive or make important decisions for 24 hours.


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Dr. Kalia is known globally, especially for his Medical Tourism program


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