Plastic Surgeon in Chandigarh

Plastic Surgeon in Chandigarh

Dr. Deepak Kalia is a very well known and one of the top Plastic Surgeons in Chandigarh.
His special interest in Plastic surgery and Cosmetic surgery, in which he has a wide experience. Dr. Deepak Kalia has done M.Ch. in Cosmetic and Plastic surgery from Post-Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh, the most prestigious institute for plastic surgery in India.
He also worked in Plastic Surgery Department of Christian Medical Collage, Ludhiana. He is committed to providing the highest quality of care to his patients, combining surgical expertise with a personal and honest approach.The title of a plastic surgeon on the door plate says little , because it is not protected.
In the professional society of Plastic Surgeons , In order to be plastic surgeon , a six-year training and the certification examination must be completed by the medical school.

When searching, it depends on the exact choice of words : Just as stated the specialist title is protected, Cosmetic Surgeon or Cosmetic Surgeon can already call each doctor.
The personal interview with at least one plastic surgeon is crucial. Only a specialist physician can provide individual information in the consultation.
The patient should trust his doctor. During consultation, the question is involved and how much experience the doctor has with the desired intervention.
Evasive answers are a bad sign. Should also debate the question of why the operation is desired at all , and whether there was an alternative . Of course, the surgeon must explain the technique , the surgical procedure and the risks. Cases the patient later questions a , the surgeon must also be accessible , for example by phone or e -mail.


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Dr. Kalia is known globally, especially for his Medical Tourism program


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