Lip Reshaping for Men

Lip Reshaping for Men

Why Men need Lip Reshaping?

Lip reshaping is usually carried out to highlight and enhance the shape of the lips in men, to improve the volume, or to make the lips more toned, of desirable colour.

Lip reshaping is carried out in cases when congenital or lifetime acquired visual defects are to be eliminated, or the lip asymmetry is to be corrected.

How is Lip Reshaping done?

During lip reshaping, special filler is injected with extreme accuracy and cautiousness, into the necessary areas using an extremely fine needle. The fillers like Restylane, Juvaderm and hyaluronic acid are widely used in corrective or augmenting cosmetic surgeries. These fillers are completely natural, safe and non-allergic in nature. Lip reshaping can also be carried out by applying the fat cell transplantation method, when fat cells are extracted from one body area and transplanted to another.


Lip reshaping is carried out under local anaesthesia, numbing only the area affected by the surgery.

Time of Surgery

The procedure lasts for about 30 minutes.

Stay at the Clinic/Hospital

The patient can return home immediately after the surgery and doesn’t require to stay back overnight at the clinic.

Post Operative Care

If the fat cell transplantation method is used to reshape the lips, the patient must remain in doctor’s vigilance and care for 1 day. With this method, fat cells are extracted from the front abdominal wall and are injected after special processing in the laboratory into the area to be corrected, in this case – into the lips.


After lip reshaping, oedema and slight haemorrhage may be observed in the form of bruises that disappears in 7 to 10 days.


The effect is long-term and highly desirable, appearing clearly within 3 months of the operation. Many celebs go for lip reshaping and are extremely happy with the results.


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